Company info

Philosophy and Code of Conduct

Corporate Philosophy

TOPIX aims to help its customers improve their operations through in-plant logistics information systems, growing with its customers.
TOPIX practices Genchi, Genbutsu, Genjitsu (On site, Hans on, In touch) based on Toyota Tsusho Group’s principles.


Code of Conduct

As a good corporate citizen Strive to engage in open and fair corporate activities.
Strive to fulfill our social responsibilities and preserve the local environment.
Strive to demonstrate creativity and provide added value.
Strive to respect human rights and create an energized, great place to work.

Global Vision ― Ideal Image

For the next 10years, the Toyota Tsusho Group will evoke our ideal as

Be the Right ONE
The Right ONE for you
The best assurance of safety, quality, and reliability ? based on your needs (Genba)
The Right ONE for us
Maximization of individual capabilities, global networks and diversity to create synergistic strengths
The Right ONE for future
Unique insights and capabilities to explore new possibilities for future and sustainable society






Greetings from the Company President

TPS × Topics = The best solution!

Topics is a solution provider that develops logistics information systems based on TPS for many customers with various production processes, supporting the improvement of their productivity.

We will pick up your concerns on the spot, consider the direction and ideal state from the customer’s perspective, and deliver new IT solutions.

Our ultimate goal at Topics is to solve the diversifying needs with 45 years of experience and innovative solutions, and to connect with customers with a smile.

Please choose Topics as the one-of-a-kind partner to create new value together with customers!


Company overview


Company name TOPIX corporation
Company name TOPIX corporation
Brand name TOPICS
Head office Anjo Solution Plaza, 819-1 3-chome, Toei-cho, Anjo City, Aichi Prefecture, 446-0007, Japan TEL: 050-3111-3818 FAX: 050-3535-5402Map and directions
Nagoya Office 15F・20F Sumitomo Life Nagoya Building, 2-14-19, Meiekiminami, Nakamura, Nagoya City, Aichi Prefecture, 450-0003 JAPAN TEL: 050-3111-3825 FAX: 050-3535-8959Map and directions
Founded June 23, 1979
Capital 90 million yen
Stockholders Toyota Tsusho Corporation(95%)
Toyota Motor Corporation (5%)
Representative President, CEO: Kunihisa Tanaka
Bank of account Bank of Mitsubishi UFJ, Yanagibashi Branch
Number of employees 147(as of April 2025)
Sales 3.0310 billion yen (for the fiscal year ended March 2024)
3.1550 billion yen (for the fiscal year ended March 2023)
2.8350 billion yen (for the fiscal year ended March 2022)
Business areas
  • ・TOPICS production logistics information system packages
    Development, sale, and maintenance of packages incorporating the Toyota Kanban method, Kanban system, and Toyota Production System
  • ・Processing of information related to parts procurement/receiving; production; order receiving/shipment; and development, sales, and maintenance of related network systems
  • ・Sales and maintenance of small peripheral devices
  • ・Integrated management of Toyota Working Group Common EDI-ASP services

Anjo Solution Plaza

Nagoya Office

Head office

Google map

[Public Transportation]
500m in the southeast direction from Shin Anjo station, Meitetsu Nagoya Line
From Nagoya area : Please come here by Route 1, and turn right the Toei-cho 3 intersection
From Toyohashi or Okazaki area : Please come here by Route 1. Go pass the pink building, and turn left along the building
*Please use the intersection because of the poor visibility of the road beside our company building.

Nagoya Office

Google map




Directors and auditor  As of April 1, 2025
President, CEO Kunihisa Tanaka
Director Shinsaku Hinago
Director Akihiro Endo     (Toyota Tsusho Corporation)
Director Hiroyuki Mori    (Toyota Tsusho Corporation)
Auditor  Hiroki Nakayama (Toyota Tsusho Corporation)


Main purchasers


Wide varieties of TOPICS field.

(株)アイシン アイシンシロキ(株) アイシン辰栄(株)
愛知製鋼(株) 明石機械工業(株) アキタ(株)
アスカ(株) (株)アロー流通サービス (株)一井
(株)イノアックコーポレーション NOK(株) (株)FTS
(株)FTS九州 (株)オティックス 関東商事(株)
岐阜車体工業(株) (株)協豊製作所 共和産業(株)
(株)旭洋工業製作所 (株)ケー・アイ・ケー 小糸九州(株)
(株)小糸製作所 小島プレス工業(株) 三栄工業(株)
サンコール(株) (株)三五 (株)三五関東
(株)三福 (株)ジェイテクト (株)ジェイテクトギアシステム
(株)ジェイテクトマシンシステム 翔運輸(株) 城山工業(株)
神星工機(株) 真和工業(株) (株)SUBARU
住友電気工業(株) 住友電装(株) 住友理工(株)
(株)ソーシン ダイハツ九州(株) ダイハツ工業(株)
太平洋工業(株) 大豊工業(株) (株)高木製作所
(株)武部鉄工所 (株)タチエス 中央可鍛工業(株)
中庸スプリング(株) 津田工業(株) テクノエイト(株)
(株)デンソーエレクトロニクス (株)東海理化 東海理化NExT(株)
東プレ東海(株) 豊田合成(株) トヨタ自動車(株)
トヨタ自動車九州(株) トヨタ自動車東日本(株) トヨタ自動車北海道(株)
(株)豊田自動織機 トヨタ車体(株) 豊田通商(株)
豊田鉄工(株) トヨタバッテリー(株) トヨタ紡織(株)
トヨタ紡織精工(株) トヨタ紡織東北(株) トヨテツ東北(株)
トヨテツ福岡(株) 豊通物流(株) 豊臣機工(株)
ナミコー(株) (株)ナミユニット 日本発条(株)
(株)ノーリツ パイオニア(株) 林テレンプ(株)
日野自動車(株) (株)ファインシンター (株)フタバ九州
フタバ産業(株) (株)フタバ平泉 プライム プラネット エナジー&ソリューションズ(株)
豊生ブレーキ工業(株) 豊大工業(株) ボッシュ(株)
(株)HOWA 丸高(株) マルヤス工業(株)
万能工業(株) (株)村上開明堂 (株)村上開明堂九州
(株)メイドー 矢崎エナジーシステム(株) 吉村プレス工業(株)

PT. Futaba Industrial Indonesia(インドネシア)
PT. Toyota Boshoku Indonesia(インドネシア) 
Tokai Rika Thailand Co., Ltd.(タイ)